Measure What Matters by John Doerr

Ulf Sahlin
3 min readMay 26, 2024


Measure What Matters is a compelling book that introduces the concept of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), a goal-setting framework that has driven success at major organizations like Google, Intel, and Bono’s ONE campaign.

John Doerr

The book outlines how OKRs can help businesses and teams set ambitious goals, align efforts, and achieve remarkable results through clear, measurable outcomes. One fascinating aspect Doerr explores is the psychological impact of goal-setting, particularly the Pygmalion effect, which is the phenomenon where higher expectations lead to improved performance.

The Pygmalion effect, named after the mythological Greek sculptor who fell in love with a statue he carved, suggests that people’s performance can be influenced by the expectations placed upon them. In Measure What Matters, Doerr explains how the OKR framework leverages this effect by setting ambitious, clear objectives that inspire and motivate teams.

When leaders set high expectations through challenging OKRs, it signals to team members that they are capable of achieving great things. This positive reinforcement can elevate individuals’ self-belief and drive, leading to enhanced performance and innovation.

Doerr provides numerous examples of how the Pygmalion effect has played out in various organizations using OKRs. At Google, for instance, ambitious OKRs pushed engineers and teams to strive for breakthroughs rather than settling for incremental improvements.

The belief that they could meet these high standards, reinforced by a culture that celebrated bold attempts and learned from failures, created an environment where exceptional outcomes became the norm. This culture of high expectations and continuous feedback helped Google scale and innovate at an unprecedented rate.

The book also discusses how the Pygmalion effect can be nurtured by fostering a supportive and empowering environment. Leaders play a crucial role in this process by consistently communicating confidence in their teams’ abilities, providing the necessary resources, and offering constructive feedback. By doing so, they reinforce the belief that high performance is achievable.

Doerr emphasizes that the OKR framework should be transparent and inclusive, encouraging collaboration and collective ownership of goals. This approach not only boosts individual confidence but also strengthens team cohesion and commitment to shared objectives.

In conclusion, Measure What Matters highlights the transformative power of the Pygmalion effect within the OKR framework. By setting high expectations and fostering a supportive environment, leaders can significantly enhance their teams’ performance and drive innovation.

The book provides practical insights and real-world examples of how ambitious, well-defined goals can inspire and motivate individuals to achieve extraordinary results. Through the effective implementation of OKRs, organizations can harness the psychological impact of the Pygmalion effect to reach new heights of success and productivity.

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Ulf Sahlin

Usability and product discovery. Founder of numerous startups, recently acquired.