The Alchemy of Growth

Ulf Sahlin
3 min readMay 26, 2024


The Alchemy of Growth by Mehrdad Baghai, Stephen Coley, and David White is a comprehensive guide that outlines a strategic framework for sustained business growth.

Central to this framework is the concept of the Three Horizons, a model that helps organizations balance short-term performance with long-term innovation and growth. The Three Horizons framework categorizes growth initiatives into three distinct time horizons, each requiring different management approaches and resource allocations.

This model provides a roadmap for companies to ensure continuous growth while managing the inherent tensions between immediate needs and future opportunities.

The First Horizon (H1) represents the core business activities that generate the bulk of a company’s current revenue and profit. This horizon focuses on maintaining and defending the existing business, improving operational efficiency, and maximizing performance.

The management approach for H1 emphasizes incremental improvements, cost control, and competitive positioning within established markets. While essential for sustaining the current business, the authors warn that overemphasis on H1 can lead to stagnation if companies neglect future growth opportunities.

The Second Horizon (H2) involves emerging opportunities that extend and build on the existing business. These initiatives are often adjacent to the core business and have the potential to become significant revenue sources in the medium term.

H2 activities require a balance between exploiting known capabilities and exploring new possibilities. The management approach here involves more experimentation, agility, and investment in new product development, market expansion, and strategic partnerships.

Companies must be willing to take calculated risks and allocate resources to nurture these promising ventures.

The Third Horizon (H3) encompasses the creation of fundamentally new businesses and breakthrough innovations that will drive long-term growth. These initiatives are typically high-risk and may not generate immediate returns but have the potential to transform industries and create new markets.

H3 requires a visionary approach, fostering a culture of innovation and allowing for significant experimentation and iteration. The authors stress the importance of having dedicated teams or units with the autonomy to pursue these disruptive ideas without being constrained by the core business’s metrics and expectations.

The concept of the Three Horizons provides a holistic view of growth, emphasizing the need for companies to manage all three horizons simultaneously. This balanced approach ensures that while the core business is maintained and optimized, new growth avenues are explored, and long-term innovations are cultivated.

The authors provide numerous case studies and practical tools to help companies implement the Three Horizons framework, demonstrating how successful organizations allocate resources, manage transitions, and sustain momentum across all horizons.

In summary, The Alchemy of Growth introduces the Three Horizons framework as a strategic model for achieving sustained business growth. By categorizing growth initiatives into short-term, medium-term, and long-term horizons, the model helps organizations balance the demands of current operations with the need for future innovation.

The book underscores the importance of simultaneously managing and investing in all three horizons to ensure continuous growth and adaptability in a dynamic market. Through practical insights and real-world examples, the authors provide a roadmap for companies to navigate the complexities of growth and achieve long-term success.

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Ulf Sahlin

Usability and product discovery. Founder of numerous startups, recently acquired.